Upcoming Events

Next Steps
Whether you're visiting Valley Church for the first time or are new to our community, we’d love to connect with you! If you're considering making Valley your home church and want to learn more about our vision, core values, and ways to get involved, we invite you to join us for Next Steps on the last Sunday of the month after service at 12:15 PM—lunch is on us!

Table Groups
Every week, Table Groups will meet together to share a meal, share with each other, and share in His Presence. Table groups gather to be family, growing as disciples of Jesus, to fulfill His mission.
Silver Eagles Luncheon
The Silver Eagles (ages 55+) are invited to enjoy a delicious meal, fellowship, and a special message from Jeanie Ward. We’ll be serving up classic Spaghetti and Meatballs as the main dish, so please bring a side dish to share with the group. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Sign up by calling the Front Office at 208-459-9133.

Beautiful Grace
Beautiful Grace Widows Ministry will be gathering together for an event on Saturday, April 5th at 10:00 AM in the Prayer Room. Refreshments will be provided; All Widows are welcome! If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Aimee Murphy at 208-250-2924 by 3/27/25.
Annual Business Meeting
We invite you to attend our Annual Business Meeting. This is a time to come together and celebrate all that the Lord has done in 2024 and look forward to the exciting plans God has for our church. We hope to see you there!