I Met God

In The Valley

Sunday Gathering

His People,
His Presence.

Gather with us on Sunday mornings, for a powerful time of encountering God in His presence. Engage in a time of passionate worship, impactful preaching, and life-changing prayer.


Featured Event

Table Groups

Meet weekly, February-April and September-November
Table Groups will meet together to share a meal, share with each other, and share in His Presence. Table groups gather to be family, growing as disciples of Jesus, to fulfill His mission.


Learn and Grow Together

Valley School of Supernatural Ministry

VSSM is going to equip you to bring the Kingdom of God to your sphere of influence.

Valley Christian Academy

Valley Christian Academy is a private homeschool hybrid which aims to Equip and Empower students to fulfill their purpose in Christ.

Valley High School of Ministry

Our heart is to raise up healthy and powerful students that walk in their God-given identity.